Designed for a start up company, the product development started with a simple idea of creating a better tool with added safety for a neglected segment within the hair care industry.
Traditionally, the braid cutting process required a cutting tool, and a separate sealing step with open flame that was both inconvenient and potentially dangerous. Intrecci's heated element on the tip of the tool cuts and seals braided hair in a single step, creating a much simpler, and safer process for the users. 
The tool only requires one button. When the device is powered off, the button stays off. When the users want to use the tool, hitting the button will start the warm up phase, as the button pulsates in pink color. When the tips are hot, the button stays lit in pink. 
One of the exciting part of designing a hair care product is the potential to push and explore it's color, material, and finish. The environment where the product will be used, competitive products, as well as cultural contexts were all considered during the development of CMF for Intrecci. 
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